Epics by Esséré

URSPELT : Aligning TOP Leaders around their strategic projects

Once upon a time… in the great north of Luxembourg, with the leadership team of an energy company.

From one crisis to another, today it’s the war in Ukraine that is causing exorbitant electricity and gas costs. Yet the CEO is filled with intense and positive energy: “It is in these moments that it is possible to make a difference”. Even though organizations are in turmoil and it is difficult to focus on anything other than internal fires, our CEO wants this crisis to be the catalyst for internal transformations that are usually never given enough priority.

He begins the meeting with his executive team with: “this is war in Ukraine and we need to respond quickly and well to safeguard our domestic energy-intensive industries. ” 

The tone is set!

The first evening is devoted to reconnecting leaders with each other: what are we experiencing, how do we feel, what are our strengths that we are building on.

Then, a dozen of joung key managers join the evening meal. Suddenly, between the main course and dessert, a question is asked: “who inspired me and who contributed to the person I am today? “. In pairs, the exchanges begin, the bodies get closer, the glances intensify… the inclusion of the newcomers is underway.

The next day, a group of 20 people is presented with two projects that will shape the company’s processes and culture of tomorrow. Discussions in small groups, expression of feelings, projections of the impacts of these projects on the work of each person. The company of tomorrow is gradually taking shape in the room. The day, intense in content, meaning and emotions, ends with a collective vision: who will be this company of tomorrow?

On the morning of the third day, the management team was again alone. During the debriefing, it becomes clear how much the young managers have expressed their commitment to this future and how much energy this has given to each of us.

Indeed, the day before, we had worked on individual desires  to express a powerful collective desire, carrying a deep meaning or the organization.