Posts by Esséré

The organisation as a complex adaptative organism

We came accros this video of Mark Kahn on the mechanistic vs. organismic vision of the organization.

Many thoughts resonated with Esséré experience and hope. So we wanted to share it with you.


  • Human interactions create the value for the customer.
  • Human interactions are – and needs to be considered as – a complex adaptative organism.
  • (1) The effectiveness of complex adaptative systems – such as teams, divisions, the whole organization – depends on the quality of the interdependences of its agents – i.e. employees, teams, divisions.
  • (2) Self-adaptative systems learn by themselves and telling them what to do shuts down the learning capabilities. Thus, leaders are no longer there to command and control, but to create the conditions to reach auto-regulation.

We want to add for (1) : the quality of the interdependencies depends on the capability to auto-regulate the interactions between the agents – i.e. the relationships within the organization and between the organization and its ecosystem.

At Esséré, we believe that focussing egos towards the common good, fostering trust in teams and strengthening a sense of belonging among employees will trigger self-regulation.