by Serge Borg | Apr 13, 2023 | Epics
Once upon a time… … we had the opportunity to get to know a great 20-year-old organization, with 50 employees operating worldwide, that shares and acts on values similar to Esséré’s: “dignity, simplicity, exigency and joy in business”.... by Serge Borg | Apr 10, 2023 | Posts
And if the company was driven by the Heart, what results could we achieve? The experience of an exceptional transformation -that of Best Buy, 125,000 employees- between 2012 -when challenged by Amazon, given as “lost”- and 2019, then in full growth for 5... by Serge Borg | Feb 11, 2023 | Epics
Once upon a time… … there was a family-owned business whose history dated back to the end of the 18th century. While the parent company was well known and established, the European unit was still very young. After three years of efforts focused on its... by Serge Borg | Jan 4, 2023 | Epics
Once upon a time… … on a rainy day in Luxembourg, I entered the offices of a leading national company. A few weeks earlier, an external audit had revealed a collaboration problem between the internal IT team and the business digitalization team. The... by Serge Borg | Jan 4, 2023 | Epics
Once upon a time… … we are on December 22 in a small village in Belgium called Villers devant Orval. It is freezing and raining. In fact, 43 years ago, I spent a whole month there doing roadwork for our family business. We were in a comfortable gîte. 6...
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