It was within you the whole time

Being bombarded with so much information, so many ideas, and so many requests can leave you and your teams feeling stuck, sometimes even exhausted. Speaking with your boss, your partner or a friend may not provide the distance you need to see things from the right perspective.

We provide another option. A certified coach with no stake in your game except to help you and/or your team move forward, in the right direction for you.

Our convictions about coaching

The answer to all questions lies within the individual or team.

Change the perspective, change the response.

People and teams typically experience only a small part of their potential / of their power.

The Esséré approach

Our first step is to create spaces where you can truly express your issues and the meaning and feelings behind them. We focus on listening with our 3 brains – head, heart and guts.

We invite the sharing of resonances to create the certainty that we understand each other, at a deep level.

We not only ask powerful questions, but we apply the gestalt approach, allowing you and your teams to experience something new here and now, in a safe environment. This brings about enhanced self-awareness and, moves something inside you and/or your teams.

Our value proposition

Not only will our coaches leave you and your teams feeling empowered to take the next step with confidence and authonomy, but they will also help you learn to think and feel in a different way, in a way which goes beneath the surface, looking at issues and ideas from ways you may never have thought possible. You and your teams will feel empowered to take your next steps and embrace the unknown with confidence.